kitty on my foot and i want to touch it...meowmeow
millions of peaches, peaches for me.
gonna move into the country and eat me alotta peaches...
f*ck you kitty youre gonna spend the night
f*ck you kitty youre gonna spend the night
peaches come from a can but they were put there by a man.
little blind spider took the wheel...
li'l dune buggy in the sand,
li'l blue dune buggy in mah hannnnnd.
quit spinnin' that web and come out and play in the sun.
she's lump, she might be dead/
li'l bag of bones been out all night.
can yah hear 'em scratchin' at the screen door?
he's circlin' around my ankle,
he needs some pettin and luvin on his hyde/
git your ass inside.
stupid fathers.
so ive finally come to the conclusion,
that justin and myself must have the worst luck.
we're wondering if its a sign for him to stay in canada,
but if it was im sure we'd be able to find him work.
would we not?
so here's the story.
every single time we find a way for justin to get home,
it goes horribly wrong.
well for those of you who know he was supposed to go home on saturday.
his friend and his mom were supposed to leave friday at midnightish,
to come here and get him by car.
well justin calls around 1ish,
and his friend is horribly sick,
puked 15 times, and wasnt able to come.
so now its all messed up and once again,
we have to concoct another plan.
its pretty much still the same plan,
but when? we're not sure.
so im sick all the time too.
bible study tonight...
i guess thats really all i have to say cause i dont ever have much going on so i dont have much to write about...
the end.
birthday wishes; champagne kissis
well i was happy a bit ago.
it's strange how something can happen so quickly,
and ruin your day.
aside from the fact that im sick 24-7,
justin can be difficult;
he's just so damn stubburn.
i mean, im no cup of tea either.
but im trying,
men: i swear, i admit im wrong,
yet hes still ignoring me.
oh well. he'll come around, but still. ugh.
my dad is a jerk,
i hate to say that,
cause its so typical.
i wish i was close to my parents,
its not like im trying to make things so horrible,
and trying to get everyone to pity me,
i just dont understand why he's so mean to me.
he thinks i fail at life,
maybe i do, i dont know.
but still, he's my dad and he should stick by me.
anything. tap.tap.tap.tap.tap.tap.TAP>TQAPSADPIASOPMAO
so bible study tomorrow,
i hope chrissy waits to show michelle the thing i made her til tomorrow.
i doubt she will though, that's okay,
it'd be cool though with everyone around.
well, im bored,
although i dont know what ill be going to do next.